This edge is lost when he splits his attention between the case at hand and explaining what’s going on to his new righthand: how witches live in the shadows of modern society and keep their magic hidden how there’s a long line of hunter helpers called Dolans (like Elijah Wood’s character) how Kaulder was cursed with immortality by a witch queen, and now she’s back to unleash a plague of Black Death upon the world, and things like that. With traces of the Keanu Reeves film, Kaulder starts investigating the apparent death of his previous Dolan and stumbles across a much darker plot. The film begins in an interesting way with this slight Constantinian edge. I like my fantasy… but I am not the guy who liked The Last Witch Hunter, which highlights the many pitfalls that can come when trying to write fantasy. I’m the guy who recently participated in a drunken night of Magic: The Gathering while simultaneously belting along to the soundtrack to Sound of Music.

I’m the guy who was still (sort of) into Seventh Son, even when Jeff Bridges became way too ridiculous (even for himself). I’m the guy who still loves watching Tom Cruise chase the unicorn in Legend. The Last Witch Hunter will hit theaters tomorrow.I live for fantasy. Gary Gray) and will also reprise his role as Groot in the second Guardians of the Galaxy film.

The actor is currently in pre-production for the eighth Fast and Furious installment (being directed by Straight Outta Compton's F. It's not like Diesel has a light workload over the next couple of years, either. "Maybe we should release the film first." Still, he admitted that while talks for a sequel have already begun, nothing had been finalized. The actor added that the possibility of a sequel didn't surprise him and was one of the main reasons he signed on to the project in the first place. "The top brass of the company were there one day while Michael Caine and I were doing a scene together, and came by the trailer at the end of the day and said, 'Hey, we want to get started with a sequel right away,'" Diesel told the magazine. In an interview with Complex Magazine, Diesel confirmed that during production on his latest film, studio executives stopped by during a shoot to ask about a second installment. Vin Diesel's The Last Witch Hunter hasn't even been released, but there's already talk of a sequel.