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Metal slug 1 logo

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Clearing the game in Hard Mode changes the background for the Mission All Over screen. Unlike Metal Slug 6, choosing any difficulty does not lock the player from accessing the final mission. There are seven missions and three difficulties: Beginner, Normal and Hard. And these forces were sharpening their swords, awaiting their arrival and preparing to pounce. So began our heroes infiltration of Garbage Island, perhaps the final lair of Morden's Forces. "Back to the front, eh? Aren't we just a bunch of peas in a pod?" I guess it's up to me to put things right yet again!!!" Ralf and Clark, who had previously thrown in their lots with Marco and company, were also on board. HQ swiftly organized a six-man covert strike force assigned with the following objectives: confirm the presence of Morden's Forces, and then eliminate them - with extreme prejudice! Marco, Tarma, Eri and Fio were quickly assembled as the initial members for this mission. The Division of Intel had no doubts: this was indisputably a member of Morden's Forces.

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Discovered in a clip from a documentary on the waste disposal controversy was the brief flash of a figure appearing to be one of Morden's soldiers crossing the screen. Just as people were beginning to recover a long-lost sense of vitality and order, a video transmission arrived at HQ from the Regular Army's Division of Intel. Thanks to the reconstruction proceeding at a miraculous pace, the scars of destruction to the thoroughly destroyed headquarters of the Regular Army and it's surrounding city were becoming less and less noticeable to the objective observer.

Metal slug 1 logo